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DFN: Polish Army wet gap crossing B-roll, DRAWSKO POMORSKIE, POLAND, 06.06.2018

► Subscribe: ► CHECK OUT THIS 8000+ MORE VIDEOS: Defense Flash News: Polish Army wet gap crossing B-roll DRAWSKO POMORSKIE, POLAND 06.06.2018 Video by Sgt. Anri Baril 126th Public Affairs Operations Center Polish Army Soldiers conduct wet gap crossing during SaberStrike exercise. Saber Strike 18 is the eighth iteration of the long-standing U.S. Army Europe-led cooperative training exercise designed to enhance interoperability among allies and regional partners. This year's exercise, scheduled to take place from June 3-15, will focus on improving land and air operational capabilities with an additional key objective to train with NATO's enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battlegroups. The eFP battlegroups located in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland are part of NATO's overall deterrence and defense posture and are designed to demonstrate the Alliance's determination and ability to act as one in response to any aggression against its members. NATO’s Multinational Corps North East will command and control multinational portions of the exercise. Key training events of Saber Strike 18 include a convoy by 2nd Cavalry Regiment from Germany to Latvia as they participate in different aspects of the exercise; an air assault operation in Lithuania; and bridge and river crossing operations in several locations to support freedom of movement. Nations scheduled to participate in the exercise include: Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States. TAGS,USAREURMichigan Army National Guard,SaberStrike,StrongEurope General tags:defense flash news,defence news,MILITARY,Weapons,Aircraft,Ships,Vehicles,Operations,air force,navy,marine,army,Snipers,Firefights,Afghanistan,Guns & Weapons,Iraq,Explosions,SpecOps,Military Aircraft,Ships & Subs,Syria,Terrorism,Global Hot Spots,Vehicles,Air Force,Marine Corps,Navy,Army,Coast Guard,Events,Army Deployment,Technology,Military News,Fitness,Special Operations,Entertainment, united states,usa,UNITED KINGDOM,uk,china,canada,australia,france,GERMANY,japan,russia,india,technology in defense,new technology in defence,Observation Post,BBC,Bloomberg,Stars and Stripes,Fox News,CNN,MSNBC,USA Today,PBS,ABC News,The Daily Show,Leatherneck,NPR,The Colbert Report,Slate,The Economist,CBS News,The Washington post,Military Times,military embedded systems magazine,Navy Times,The New York Times,Marine Corps Gazette,MSN,The Guardian,The New Yorker,Politico,APG News,Business Insider,Military Spouse Magazine,Quantico Sentry,Gulf Defender,DC Military, Marine Corps Times,The Wallstreet Journal,Google News,The Blaze,Yahoo News,Mother Jones,Breitbart,The Huffington Post,Think Progress,Drudge Report,Daily KOS,The Sean Hannity show,Al Jezeera America,The Ed Shultz Show,The Glenn Beck Program,The Rush Limbaugh Show,Vietnow National Magazine,Veterans of foreign war magazine,Northwest Airlifter,Navy Compass,Military Review magazine,GI Jobs magazine,Hilltop Times,Defenses News,Annapolis Trident,1st Infantry Division Post


Defense Flash News
Data pliku video: 2018-06-09, Źródło artykułu:
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